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US Choice Short Rib Boneless 美國 Choice級牛小扒

It is enjoyable either as a juicy and tender steak or as Shabu-Shabu slices. Every bite is full of flavor. This cut of beef is also fantastic for braising and stir-frying.

去骨牛小排肉質結實帶有油筋且油旨甚多,非常適合碳燒或燒烤,燒烤過程中油脂會滋滋地流出,香味四溢,油花很多柔嫩厚實,一入口即散發誘人肉香。安格斯牛的肉質,肉理細緻,脂肪如大理石紋般分布其上, 公認是市面上最鮮嫩多汁的牛肉。

US Choice Short Rib Boneless 美國 Choice級牛小扒

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